Attendance Rule

Beant Vidya Bhawan

Sr No Requirement
1 Pupils must be punctual at the beginning of the day, for all subjects’ classes and activities.
2 Attendance for morning assembly is compulsory. At the end of the assembly, students shall proceed in silence to their classrooms.
3 For every absence, a written statement, signed by the Parent/Guardian is required on the day the pupil returns. If a student is absent for more than 3 days for reasons of ill health a certificate from a doctor is required stating illness and fitness.
3 A student who arrives late will be required to bring an explanatory note from Parent/Guardian.
4 During the vacation period, pupils are not granted leave. Prior permission should be sought for absence from the school for any reason or planned in advance.
5 Students who are regularly sick and fall short of the required 75% of attendance may be asked to leave the school on grounds of physical unfitness.
6 Students will not be allowed to leave school early unless Parents/Guardian present a written note to the office. Explicit permission by the Principal is necessary.
7 In case of infectious disease, the parents are required to submit a medical certificate to the effect that child is fit to re-join.
8 Any unscheduled holidays may be made good by the school without prior intimation to Parents/Guardian.