Beant Vidya Bhawan
Title | Value | |
No. Of Classrooms and Size | 24 Class Rooms of 18*24=8093.44Square Meter | |
No. of Smart classes | 3 | |
No. of Library & NO. Of Books. | 1 Library and 6000 Books | |
Details of the Science Laboratories in the School | ||
Auditorium | No | |
Physics Lab | 1 | |
Chemistry Lab | 1 | |
Biology Lab | 1 | |
Computer Labs with no. of Computers and Size(IN SQ MTR) | 6 Lab of 18*36=4 Lab and 18*24=2 Lab or 14 Computers | |
Mathematics Lab | 1 | |
Geography lab | ||
Labs related Vocational Subjects | ||
Internet Facilities | Yes | |
Toilet facilities | ||
Boys | 3 and 8 Urinals | |
Girls | 7 | |
Staff | Yes | |
Drinking water Facilities | Yes | |
Water Taps | Yes | |
Barrier free access for the Physically challenged students | Yes | |
Play & Sports Facilities | Yes | |
Staff room details for Senior Teachers and Junior Teachers | 1 Room | |
Web based learning programmes/ Facilities for MOOCs | Smart Classes | |